课程清单 百度云网盘下载
- 01【第1课】S3L1TheDuckRace.flv
- 02【第2课】S3L2Sniff.flv
- 03【第3课】S3L3PondDipping.flv
- 04【第4课】S3L4TheIceRink.flv
- 05【第5课】S3L5TheMudBath.flv
- 06 steel band.flv
- 07 on the sand.flv
- 08 the egg hunt.flv
- 09 nobody wanted to play.flv
- 10 a cat in the tree.flv
- 11 the rope swing.flv
- 12 by the stream.flv
- 13 kipper the clown.flv
- 14 strawberry jam.flv
- 15 jumble sale.flv
- 16 at the seaside.flv
- 17 kipper’s idea.flv
- 18 snowman.flv
- 19 barbicue.flv
- 20 the carnival.flv
- 21 at the pool.flv
- 22 bull’s eye.flv
- 23 book week.flv
- 24 the cold day.flv
- 25 maggie in hospital.flv
- 26 joe and the bike.flv
- 27 roy and the buggie.flv
- 28 midge and the eggs.flv
- 29 pip at the zoo.flv
- 30 pip and the little monkey.flv
- 31 floppy and puppets.flv
- 32 monkeys on the car.flv
- 34 the enormous picture .flv
- 35 gran and the go-cart.flv
- 36 helicoper’s rescue.flv
- 37 king of the castle.flv
- 38 bug hunt.flv
- 39 mr haggis.flv
- 40 a walk in the sun.flv
- 41 green sheet.flv
- 42 road burner.flv